26. Bastard Squad (“The Young Ones”)

So here’s the thing: we know we could’ve gone with “Oh, Crikey!” instead, but anything that Rik likes is uncool by definition, so we felt obliged to do with the alternative. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it was pre-empted by up-to-the-minute coverage of a siege in North London, there were no clips to be had. As such, here’s a picture of the boys watching telly, which we hope will suffice.

27. Pigs in Space (“The Muppet Show”)

In a perfect world, we really would’ve gotten a full-fledged “Pigs in Space” spin-off, but at least we have several short but sweet sketches from the run of “The Muppet Show” to fall back on. When “Muppets Tonight” hit ABC in the late ’90s, they revived the sketch as “Pigs in Space: Deep Dish Nine, The Next Generation,” but – call us purists – we prefer the original.

28. Los Dias y Las Noches de Monsignor Martinez (“King of the Hill”

We never saw enough of this telenovela on “King of the Hill” to know if it was any good, but if we’d ever seen any more, it probably wouldn’t be as funny as it always managed to be.

29. MILF Island (“30 Rock”)

As mentioned above, it’s only fair that “30 Rock” gets two entries on this list, since it is, after all, the show that inspired the list in the first place. Jack Donaghy has been behind several new programs over the years, but none has been quite so memorable as this reality-series parody.

30. Everybody Loves Hypnotoad (“Futurama”)

As tempting as it was to go with “All My Circuits,” it only took five words to sway us to selecting this pick as our closing entry: ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!