Month: August 2010 (Page 1 of 4)

Take a ride in Heart’s Red Velvet Car, stream their new single “WTF”

They are two of the most badass women in rock, and odds are one of their songs was playing in the background during a formative experience in your life. Don’t worry, we won’t ask for details, because it’s probably best for all concerned that there are no witnesses.

In conjunction with the release of their 13th studio album Red Velvet Car, Bullz-Eye is taking part in a scavenger hunt where that has the band posting a new song from the album on a different site. We were lucky enough to score the band’s rockin’ new single “WTF,” which you can listen to right here. And you definitely want to listen to this, because it’s the hardest thing Heart’s done in decades.

To find out what web site is hosting the next song from the album, follow the band on Twitter, where they will be leaving clues as to the next location. (Look for the hash tag “#I<3Heart".) Man, this one will sound good in their live set next to "Barracuda." Party on, Wayne. Heart Official Site
Heart on Facebook
Heart on MySpace

A Chat with Stuart Paul, creator of DC / WildStorm’s “Ides of Blood”

Fact: real men read comics.

I’m sure some would still try to argue this point, but in a world where it seems like just about every comic-inspired movie finds itself atop the box office on its week of release, it’s hard to pretend that comics are strictly the domain of the geeks and the nerds. (Would that this transition could’ve occurred when I was still in high school.)

As such, Bullz-Eye is going to try to tackle more stories from the medium…and when I was sent a copy of “Ides of Blood,” a new series from DC / WildStorm which is – at least according to the press release – not entirely unlike a blend of “True Blood” and “Rome,” it certainly seemed like something that our readership might be interested in learning more about.

God bless DC’s publicity department: they quickly put me in touch with series creator Stuart Paul, who gladly answered a few questions for us about his own introduction to comic books, the origins of “Ides of Blood,” his semi-controversial decision to have characters in ancient Rome use modern colloquialisms, which of DC’s stable of superheroes he’d like to take a shot at writing, and much much more.

Since I’ve seen the phrase “new to comic books” used in conjunction with your history of writing for the medium, what’s your personal background with comics? And don’t be shy: if your memory stretches back that far, feel free to offer up the very first comic you remember buying.

My childhood experience with comics was pretty limited. Other than reading the occasional issue of Moon Knight or X-Men at my friend’s house, the only comics I personally bought were “Star Trek” comics—mostly “Next Generation” and some of the original crew that took place in the post-“Wrath of Khan” time period. It wasn’t until college that my girlfriend reintroduced me to comics through Sandman. Once I realized there were comics for adults out there, I started reading them more and more. Initially, I stuck with the superstars—Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, Brian K. Vaughan, Garth Ennis. I was kind of a Vertigo whore at first. I guess I still kind of am, but not as much. I have to hear a lot of good buzz about something before I’ll invest in a whole series like Walking Dead, but I’ve definitely branched out. Once I discovered Urasawa’s Pluto, I started getting into manga more. Right now, I’ve got 20th Century Boys, Basilisk and Lone Wolf and Cub to read. I also went through a period of reading a lot of DC superheroes. Jeph Loeb’s Batman stuff is my favorite. Sometimes I’ll still read X-Men, but it’s pretty rare for me to read superheroes these days. My favorite series right now is probably Okko. I think Archaia is doing some of the most creative and well-made comics today. Also, Chew is the only series I read on a monthly basis. Everything else is TPB’s, although the iPad is kind of changing that.

There’s been much talk about how fans of both “True Blood” and “Rome” will find much to enjoy in Ides of Blood. Is that combination what led to the concept for this series? If not, what were its origins, and how do you feel about those points of comparison?

No, neither show existed when I originally came up with the idea and wrote the first draft. I mean, I don’t have a problem with people using those as points of reference. It’s an effective shorthand, but it’s the type of thing you’d bring up in a Hollywood pitch meeting. The problem is that you don’t necessarily know what connotations those shows have for the reader and also, they’re such current references that it makes the comic sound like it’s just trying to exploit the zeitgeist. I mean, if you said it’s “Gladiator” meets… well, actually, “Dracula” might have too much baggage attached to the name, so I guess “True Blood” probably is a good descriptor. The point is, I don’t mind the comparison, but I do think it has as much potential to put-off readers as it does to draw them in. Anyway, the concept for the series came out of boredom. I don’t really like vampires, so it started as a challenge to myself to figure out what I’d have to do to make vampires interesting to me. Julius Caesar just popped into my head.

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Friday Video – N.E.R.D., “Hot-n-Fun” (featuring Nelly Furtado)

We’re admittedly late on this one, but we have a perfectly good explanation. Well, we’re not sure how good an explanation it is, but it’s the truth – we couldn’t get the video to play.

Damn thing landed in our inbox in late June, but it kept stalling. And since there were 100 more ‘drop what you’re doing and watch/listen to this at once’ emails behind it, we moved on. (After taking last week off, there are now 200 of those emails waiting for us.) It’s that Yahoo player. Once the thing finally made its way to YouTube (ahem, excuse us, Vevo), it played just fine.

So here we are, late but still early enough to post this puppy before it crashes the Top 40. Damn, that bass line is the most awesomely sleazy thing we’ve heard in years. Like “Wanna Be Startin’ Something” with a libido. Let’s get right, okay?

Book Review: Life is What You Make It by Peter Buffett

Whether or not you’ve had that “a-ha” moment in your life in which you’ve found your true passion and can engage that passion without it feeling like work (most of the time), you need to read Peter Buffett’s new book, Life Is What You Make It. Buffett, of course, is the son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, but lucky for the son, his dad as well as his mom let Peter follow his own path to success–one involving music and, eventually, philanthropy.

What Buffett does in this book is not to just tell his own story, but to give tips along the way about how you can forge your own path. He talks about ultimately finding a passion to stoke your own internal fires rather than to just earn a paycheck and aid in fulfilling someone else’s dream. Throughout the book, you’ll be nodding that in fact he’s right–that you were or are in scenarios he is describing, or that he’s describing the lives of people you know and love.

Most of all, this is one of those books that is truly inspirational. I know the effect it had on me is this–that all of my back burner projects need to be seen through rather than revolving on various back burners. Because having a job or business you love is only part of what makes us whole, not the only thing that defines us.

Of course, when Buffett does talk about the various paths he’s taken, it’s a fascinating read, though he’s probably too humble to actually agree with that. He talks matter-of-factly about his success with early MTV bumpers and with music for Kevin Costner’s “Dances With Wolves” blockbuster. But Peter and his wife have found the most fulfillment in starting the NoVo Foundation for helping to empower young women to find paths to success themselves.

What’s unique and remarkable about Life is What You Make It is not the content itself. It’s the point of view, as well as the lessons it teaches–namely, that money isn’t the be-all, end-all. Happiness found through following passions and giving back are what really matter most, and Peter Buffett is living proof of just that.

Peter Buffett website

Dania Ramirez stops by the AXE Lounge

Dania Ramriez at the AXE Lounge

A friend of mine has a theory which states that one out of every one hundred Dominican women will somehow have picture perfect genetics. Dania Ramirez is firmly within that 99th percentile, and she’s all over the place since landing a role opposite Turtle in Entourage (she had a pretty nice resume before Entourage, too).

Dania dropped by the AXE Lounge this Saturday night and talked a bit about her character’s development over the course of the current Entourage season. She also talked about her role in the upcoming ‘Premium Rush’ with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and offered some quick tips for guys looking to catch a woman’s eye. You can catch the video after the break.
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