Become more attractive to women

It’s easy to get discouraged in the dating game, and many guys often get down on themselves after repeated rejections or dry spells with women. Of course there are many strategies and tactics our there to help you improve your game, but many guys often ask themselves a basic question – Why don’t women like me?

This is the topic covered by the linked article from Dan Bacon. When you doubt yourself, you create other problems in life, whether in your career or your relationships. But in order to get over this feeling, you have to be willing to do some self-examination. Ask yourself tough questions about how you interact with women and whether your behavior will stimulate attraction. Are you confident? Are you sociable? If not you need to work on these things, and learning methods from a pick-up artist can work wonders for you.

Check out Dan’s entire article for a great explanation of the challenges along with excellent advice.


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How to talk to women

How’s your “rap” with women? Is it easy talking to women, or do you often find it challenging to keep their interest in a conversation?

This is a pretty common problem, as many men fall into the same pattern of “interviewing” a woman with boring questions that she’s heard a million times. Making small talk or asking her “what do you do?” will get you nowhere. You want to get her attention and be interesting.

Dan Bacon addresses the common mistakes men make in his article about how to talk to women along with some helpful suggestions on how to keep the conversation going.

One of the techniques that I now use to keep conversations going and keep them interesting is technique that I call Talk From Your Own Perspective. This is where you offer some conversation from your personal perspective and then ask the woman a question on the same topic to bring her into the conversation. This works SO MUCH better than just asking a woman questions and not offering any personal opinions to the conversation yourself.

For example: Instead of asking her, “Do you like the beach?” you would first talk from your perspective by saying, “I love the beach…I’ve managed to get there twice this summer with some friends…ate too much ice-cream the last time I went! How about you, did you get to the beach much this summer?”

Also, learn how to tell good stories! Have something to say about things that happened to you and that will naturally lead to great conversations, and as Dan points out it’s much easier to get her talking when you’ve brought up your own personal experiences.

Check out the entire article and right away you’ll probably recognize the mistakes you’ve been making and you’ll start learning helpful tips on how to improve your rap with women.


Russian Girls and Cars

Guys love cars and we also love beautiful women as well, so the combination is one that we always enjoy. Here we have a cool gallery supplied by our friends at Russian Brides who took some shots of actual Russian women who have been on their dating site.

The world has come a long way from the old mail order bride sites. Now these services are just like the traditional dating sites that we’ve all started using. This has taken quite a bit of the stigma away from the whole process and it’s also so much more effective, as now you can meet them online in real time and interact with them in so many ways, including email, chat, Skype etc.

Check out the slideshow above and you’ll see the quality of the women on this site, and then head over to Russian Brides and browse all of the real women that you can meet. Again, this isn’t just a marriage site. If you’re looking for that you can definitely find it, but many of them are open to dating as well.


Breaking Up is (Not So) Hard to Do

It’s Not You, It’s… You.
By John Lavallo

“C’mon, really — a Post-It note?!?”

For those of you trapped on a cable TV-less island back in 2003, what I’m referring to is the “Sex & the City” episode where Jack Berger dumps poor Carrie Bradshaw via a little yellow sticky paper. Now, I’ve heard of goodbye letters. Hell, I once heard about a guy who dumped a girl during sex. But does it get any less personal than using stationery manufactured by 3M for your break-up note?

Well, in Facebook-relationship-status parlance, it’s complicated.

Welcome to the social media generation, where “Crazy in Love” becomes “Hit The Road, Jack” in the blink of a (eye)phone. [Note: Isn’t it amazing that barely 100 words into this piece, we’ve already referenced a dumping Jack and a dumped Jack? And you thought nearly a billion Facebook members was an impressive feat?].

You see, just when you relegated status updates to telling the world how that latte you just consumed spared you from the fire of eternal damnation (‘OMG, a venti skinny vanilla just saved my life!’), with the advent of social media, your relationship status is now a neon-flashing billboard for the world to see — or at least that part of the world in your circle of friends online. People all over the globe are literally breaking up with a significant other simply by changing their Facebook status from “in a relationship” to “single,” with no further explanation necessary to the poor ex who now suffers the dual humiliation of getting dumped both electronically and publicly.

Doesn’t sound like a big deal, right? I mean, a break-up is a break-up; you deal with it. Well, picture this: Cindy is floating along through her day, content in the fact that Tommy’s heart, mind and Facebook picture albums belong to her and her alone. Cindy logs into Facebook just so she can see, for the hundredth time, that picture of the two of them giggling and cooing in an oversized furry armchair. She casually glances at Tommy’s profile information, as she always gets a kick out of seeing that he’s “in a relationship” with her, and [insert sound of Mack truck crashing into the side of her head] – what the what? – Tommy is “single”?!? Cindy is perplexed. “How, how can this be?,” she wonders, as the adrenaline marches through her chest like an over-caffeinated explorer. “Aha, someone hacked his account!” She picks up the phone to let him know, but it goes to voice mail. She texts, but no reply.

Back to Facebook she goes, to post a message to her beloved’s Wall that some insensitive maniac confiscated his password and is spreading lies, lies, lies. A few minutes later, as Cindy checks back, she sees a whole bunch of comments posted such as “Way to go, Tom!,” “I never liked her,” “Finally, man!,” and worst of all, from Tommy himself: “Yeah, tough call but it’s all good”. Well, it’s great that Tommy seemed to deliberate so long and hard about his big decision but — hey, Lebron– how about giving Cleveland Cindy a little warning before leaving or, heaven forbid, actually doing the deed personally before taking your talents to Facebook? To be fair, one has to admire the brusque, in-your-face, social media gen attitude of “I’m doing what I want and I’m letting you know in real time.” And although one simple click makes you an instant published author of heartbreak, it begs the question: Is it really easier to break up digitally?

Read the rest of this entry »


Are you intimidated by beautiful women?

Be honest with yourself. Does this apply to you? It applies to most men, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Frankly, just acknowledging this can be a great first step towards improving your dating skills with women, whether you’re a bumbling novice or someone who is generally successful with women but wants to get better.

Forbes recently brought up a similar question in the contest of Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton. This went more into the relationship dynamics, as Thornton feels like he screwed up the marriage and said, “I blew it because I didn’t think I was good enough for her.” She’s particularly intimidating for a host of reasons, but it raises the narrower issue of how to attract and date beautiful women.

Most pick-up artists have great advice in this area, and the basic idea is that you can’t act like all the other guys who fawn over them or try to win them over with money or status (if that’s even an option). The key is to stand out by acting differently, and it all goes back to your own attitude and confidence.

You can start thinking about this issue with two articles from David DeAngelo. The first explains his basic “cocky and funny” strategy, and the next one specifically addresses the secrets of dating beautiful women. The idea is similar to the idea of negs from Mystery and Style. Playfully teasing a beautiful women and not fawning over her will completely change the dynamic.

One of the keys to improving your dating skills by reading the pick-up artists is simply to avoid the common mistakes you and other guys have been making for years. The light bulb will go up immediately, as you see that your natural impulses are often wrong when trying to attract women, unless you’re a natural of course . . .

Check out our dating tips page for more tips from the best pickup artists.