Women want men, not boys


If you know how to behave around women, you’ll have a huge advantage over all the other guys out there, regardless of age. Women don’t want obnoxious boys. Sure, they may be intrigued by a young guy with a six pack, but the situations where they will act on that are limited, and you can screw things up quickly with your behavior.

Women are attracted to men who project confidence and can engage them on levels beyond silly pick-up lines or party boy behavior at bars.

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Why Driving to Work is Bad for Your Health


We all have to work. At least, most of us do. Working sucks at the best of times – unless you are lucky enough to have your dream job – but commuting to the office sucks a whole lot more. Dealing with heavy traffic, road rage and unreliable cars is enough to drive even the calmest of individuals to distraction.

Millions of people elect to work from home or use public transport to get them to work. Transport companies use fixed-route tools to let riders know when vehicles are due or late, but catching the bus or train isn’t always a painless experience and driving to work is generally viewed as the easiest option if a car is available. Unfortunately, while commuting to work via car has its good points, there are many reasons why it is actually bad for your health, and here are some of them.

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Tips for Buying an Elliptical Machine: Strategies for Smart Shoppers


Having the ability to exercise at home is a great way to end excuses and motive yourself into finding, and sticking with, a routine that will help you live a healthier life. An elliptical machine can help you do just that.

Elliptical machines provide a fun, easy, low-impact workout that will get your heart pumping and your sweat going, all without having to get in the car and fight traffic all the way to the gym. There are a lot of different machines out there, so what should you look for and how do you find the right one for you? Here are a few pointers that will make sure you get the right machine at the right price.

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Five Ways to Save on Concert Tickets


If you’re tired of doing the usual old things at the weekend, such as going to the movies, going out for dinner or even staying at home, you might be thinking about purchasing some concert tickets. If a favorite band or artist will soon be performing in yourhome town, getting tickets to the show can be a great way to spend an upcoming weekend. But concert tickets do not always come cheap, and outrageously overpriced tickets are certainly not in everybody’s budget. However, even if you don’t have much to spend when it comes to your entertainment budget, there are plenty of ways you can still get to see that show. We’ve put together some of the best ways to find cheap tickets, ticket deals and discounted tickets to concerts and a range of other events, such a sports games, online.

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Drink of the Week: The Cold Brew Negroni

The Cold Brew Negroni.Long before my serious cocktailing days, boozy drinks that featured coffee were a go-to for this caffeine addict. Then and now, I’ve found the effect both invigorating and relaxing and, let me tell you, drinks that are insults to the good name of Irish Coffee have gotten me through a great many long night/morning at the craps table.

So, when shadowy forces who, as far as I can tell, are either in the employ of Big Coffee or Big Italian Digestif, sent me today’s drink, a clever and direct twist on a true cocktail classic, I decided to break my rule against home-made infusions. Today’s selection sounded just good enough, and just simple enough, to make it a worthy DOTW. Let’s see what you think.

The Cold Brew Negroni

1 ounce cold-brew coffee infused Campari (see below)
1 ounce sweet vermouth
1 ounce gin
1 orange slice (desirable garnish)

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