Tag: apps (Page 1 of 9)

Don’t Know Where to Go or What to Do – Have You Tried Checking Your Phone?

One of the worst things is to have time on your hands and nowhere to go. If you and your friends are looking for some wild and crazy nightlife, mobile apps make it easy to find just the right club with just a few clicks. Whether you are in your own hometown or visiting in a city you are unfamiliar with, apps like Discotech can quickly show you what’s going on in town and even lead you to a restaurant or other event you might like to take in.


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How to Stop Malicious Apps from Breaching Your Privacy?


The android community is gradually realizing that android devices send our personal information to private servers. Though some apps seek our permission before doing so, others simply don’t. But the underlying problem poses a greater threat.

A research team from the University of California, Berkeley, conducted a survey titled ‘A Survey of Mobile Malware in the Wild’ and found that most malicious activities are after user information, in addition to malware that was aimed at ransom fraud, credential theft, and SMS spam.

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App of the Week: MovieCat 2

Developer: OtherWise Games

Compatible with: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Requires: iOS 4.3

Price: $1.99

Available: Here

There’s always been an odd appeal to something that’s obviously brilliant, but doesn’t take itself too seriously. Hell, it’s probably why the most popular post of Albert Einstein is of him sticking his tongue out and looking like a bit of a goofball.

While I’m not suggesting that “MovieCat 2” is the Albert Einstein of apps, it does possess that same quality of playful goofiness covering absolute brilliance that got a certain photo of the good doctor adorned to dorm room walls everywhere.

The concept of “MovieCat 2” is simple as simple as it is absurd. It’s a movie trivia game where two easy to love cartoon cats serve as your guides, and often film character stand ins. Supporting one or two players, “MovieCat 2” consists of five rounds of questions, each with five categories. Answer too many wrong questions in any category, and you lose one of your nine lives. The game’s over when all lives are gone, or you reach the final ultimate question. Solve that and you’re rewarded with a famous film clip that’s been reworked to feature cat stand ins.

Now the first thing any trivia game must do to be worthwhile is, naturally, have quality questions. In that regard “MovieCat 2” is a success. The questions cover a pretty respectable range of film history, and the styles in which they are presented are varied enough to remain consistently engaging and entertaining. Even better, there’s enough questions here (over a 1,000) so that repeats shouldn’t be an issue for some time.


If I do have one personal gripe about the questions it’s that if you possess an ounce of film knowledge, you won’t find many to be incredibly taxing. In that regard, “You Don’t Know Jack Movies” is still the ultimate movie trivia game for the hardcore, but the questions that are here will still cause the occasional head scratch and keep the game moving at a good pace.

Ultimately, though, the real draw to this game is its charm, humor, and style. Every frame of this game has some kind of clever and amusing aspect to it whether it be the questions themselves, the way they are presented, a particular art choice, or more often than not the presence of the two cat hosts as they insert themselves into another classic film. It all works together to lend the game the kind of effective lightheartedness that you often want from mobile games, but rarely get.

Overall this is an easy recommendation for iOS movie fans everywhere, but I think the people who may be most attracted to “MovieCat 2” are those that may not immediately see the appeal. This game’s easy going manner and casual charm has a way of shattering cynicism or disbelief, and will almost certainly compel those that aren’t expecting it to above all others.

I may wish it were occasionally more difficult, but the quality and craftsmanship of “MovieCat 2’s” trivia makes the easiest question of all; “What is the app of the week?”

Platinum Play high definition casino app reviewed

pair of aces in poker with poker chips

As you might have guessed from the title of this article, I am going to describe one of the few native online casino apps available for players with Apple mobile devices (iPhones and iPads). But first things first: let’s find out a bit more about the operator behind the app.

Platinum Play is an online casino operated by Fortune Lounge, an UK based company with its headquarters in Malta (for licensing purposes). It is one of the oldest and best known casino operators in the world: its first online casino was launched in 1999, and has been active ever since.

Fortune Lounge operates several online gambling facilities, including casinos, poker rooms, bingo halls and such. The list of its best known brands includes Royal Vegas, 7Sultans, Giggle Bingo and Poker Time.

Platinum Play is one of their top casino operations, with millions of users from all over the world. Also, it is one of the several online casinos operated by the company that is also available in the form of a native iOS app: the Platinum Play HD casino.
The Platinum Play HD app is available for free download through Apple’s app store. It offers its users access to several popular Microgaming online casino games, including some of their progressive jackpot slot machines like Major Millions, Mega Moolah or Cash Splash, along with all the classics – video poker, table games like roulette and blackjack, classic slots and others.

Mobile users can access their existing account with the same credentials used to log on to the desktop version of the online casino, and they have several mobile payment solutions at their disposal if they wish to top up their account: iBanq, Skrill 1-Tap and others.

New users that register through the Platinum Play HD casino app can benefit from a special bonus over their first two deposits (100 GBP) and a chance to play for the largest jackpot in the App Store. The app’s features include regular updates with new games, weekly and monthly promotions, automatic inclusion to the Platinum Play loyalty program and access to the casino’s exclusive VIP club (invitation only), as well as safe mobile banking solutions and a call centre that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days every year.

Online gamblers are not among the most spoiled gamers of the App Store, and the Platinum Play HD casino app is a welcome addition to the world of online mobile gambling – surely one of the many that will follow.

App of the Week: Republique

Developer: Camouflaj LLC

Compatible with: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Requires: iOS 7.0

Price: $4.99

Available: Here 

Tune an ear to the going ons of the gaming world, and you might hear two things. A drop in half-thought jokes aimed at mobile gaming, and a buzz surrounding “Republique.” The two are most certainly related.

In “Republique” you play an unspecified person assisting a young girl named Hope as she attempts to escape from the prison fortress of totalitarian over-rulers. The first part of a five part episodic series, going into any more details regarding the plot of “Republique” would not only be an inadequate effort, but would certainly ruin what is even in this extremely early going a simply gripping tale of intrigue and discovery.

Now, as Hope is devoid of any particular special abilities outside of some quick wits, a talent for hacking, and some basic thieving skills, “Republique” is very much a stealth game. That’s a genre you don’t see often in mobile gaming, for the simple reason that it’s a tricky proposition with touch controls.


“Republique’s” solution to this problem is to keep things simple. Nearly every action is completed through a single touch. That could have been the kiss of death for the title, but its executed in such a way that you always feel like you’re in control of the situation and the challenge only derives from the areas of the game it is supposed to. In fact, I’d go so far as to say this is among the most enjoyable stealth gameplay experiences to come along since the heyday of the “Thief” series. It may not reach the lofty heights of that classic franchise, but to even be judged by that measuring stick it set should tell you a lot.

As good as the game is moment to moment, though, its true value lies in its production value. While this is immediately apparent when viewing the game’s graphics, an even great love has gone into the game’s voice acting (which incredibly includes “Metal Gear Solid’s” David Hayter), writing, and scripting. The combination of these three ensure that memorable characters, moments, and dialog appear with ease and make “Republique” something of an anomaly on the mobile scene, as a game that matches (and at times exceeds) the level of production quality you get from a AAA major game release.

Again that doesn’t just apply to the graphics. We’ve seen mobile graphics of higher caliber before. “Republique” is a game that feels like big budget release from top to bottom.

That’s the goal that developer Camouflaj promised when they put “Republique” on Kickstarter and even though the series is far from over, it’s a goal they have already fulfilled in some measure with this first installment. It’s easy to get spoiled with not only the increasing quality of mobile games, but how incredibly cheap and plentiful they are in comparison to say full fledged handheld titles that you’d find on the 3DS or PSP. “Republique” is the type of game that immediately alerts you to how spoiled we’ve become with the concept, as it provides a gaming experience you can’t find anywhere else on your phone or tablet of all places.

If you want a great mobile pick up and play game that you can turn on, enjoy, and shut down with relative ease, then pick up “Ridiculous Fishing” or any number of great arcade like apps. However, if it’s a taught thriller as gripping as any Hollywood espionage tale, and as immersive as any great stealth title in gaming’s past your after, then there is no legitimate competitor to “Republique.” It’s a landmark release, and my app of the week.

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