Prank video from Brazil featuring an elevator and a ghost

This video is absolutely hilarious. You can’t stop watching as more people face the child ghost in the elevator.



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The Ultimate College Life Hacks Guide

Last September, Philips Norelco put a call out to new and returning college guys to submit their funniest and most creative college life hacks, awarding prizing to their favorites. Now that the competition is over, the company has collected the best life hacks in a guide that every college student should put to the test. Click the image below for a larger, easy-to-read version.



Bullz-Eye tackles Tough Mudder Lake Tahoe Degree DO:MORE Style!


There is no feeling on earth like sliding into the $125 robe in your room at the Ritz Carlton after spending six hours on the most difficult obstacle course in the world. Wait a minute, did someone say “Carlton”?  I thought they did.


This robe is the kind of robe Carlton would’ve rocked when he was on “Silver Spoons” with Ricky Schroeder. God, how I yearned to ride on that sweet in-house train, even just to go get the mail. Imagine me and the robe and the train. We’d run a train on the train; me, Carlton, the robe, Ricky… good times.

Sure, I thought about stealing the robe. Who wouldn’t? But the minute I stepped foot off the premises, the magic would’ve been gone, like when a young Moonlight Graham steps over the foul line in “Field of Dreams” to be irrevocable transformed into Doc, the kindly doctor who removes a piece of hot dog from Kevin Costner’s daughter’s airway to save her life.

Anyway, I left the robe, and about a pound of ball skin, on the mountain that day, and lived to tell the tale.

Keeping it REAL klassy on the mountain...

Keeping it REAL klassy on the mountain…

But you know what I didn’t leave on the mountain that day, friends? Sweat, or a stench of any kind. That’s because Degree had my back, not unlike the way Chuck Norris had Jonathan Brandis’ back in the movie “Sidekicks.”

Degree allows you to DO: MORE with three levels of protection.

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Pranksters Rig House Plumbing to Pour Beer Instead of Water (Sponsored)

In retribution for all the gags Russell Brown has played on his friends over the years, his brother Sean and their friends decided to team up for the ultimate payback. By leveraging the group’s collective experience as plumbers, electricians and carpenters, Sean and his buddies were able to plumb beer throughout Russell’s entire home in Auckland, New Zealand. With the help of Tui Brewery, they managed to tap every faucet (including the shower) to spout cold beer to the surprise of Russell and his wife.

Check out Russell’s fantastic reaction when he figures out what’s going on in this video and here at


Miley Cyrus channels Jim Carrey

Miley Cyrus served up one of the lamest performances in the history of the MTV Video Music Awards, with many on the web suggesting that her look was inspired by this classic Jim Carrey skit. Check out more Miley jokes here.