5 Things to Know in the Case of a Motor Accident


It’s an unfortunate reality that, at some point in your otherwise spotless driving career, you could have the misfortune to be in an accident. You might be the safest, most defensive driver on the block, but statistics indicate most drivers will have an incident during their driving life, so here are five things you should know in the case of an accident.

1. Stop

No matter how minor, stop at the scene of any accident, ensure the other party is all right and exchange essential details.

2. Emergency services

The bulk of accidents will require the attendance of emergency services. Even if the accident is minor, it’s often wise to notify the police. Their role will include interviewing both parties to ascertain how the accident occurred and assisting in clearing the scene. Details given to the police will be used in the insurance process.

3. Safety first

To ensure there are no further injuries or vehicles involved, secure the scene. Put on your hazard lights or place safety markers to notify other drivers there is potential danger. If the incident is minor, vehicles can be moved to allow traffic flow, but in a major accident, where people may be injured, leave the vehicles in position and await the arrival of an ambulance and police.

4. Injuries

See to the safety of drivers and passengers. This may involve providing medical assistance if you have the skills, calling an ambulance or even sitting with an injured party until help arrives. It’s worth getting checked out even if you have only sustained minor injuries; these could become more serious later, so seek medical attention after an accident.

Injuries such as whiplash tend to present themselves more seriously in the days after an accident, so it’s vital you have anything documented as soon as possible. If the incident was not your fault, you can seek advice regarding compensation and your entitlements through firms such as The Personal Injury Lawyers.

5. Insurance

Most accidents will result in an insurance claim, whether it’s for vehicle damage or injury, so exchange details at the scene. It’s also vital to keep a record and paperwork relating to what occurred, your recollection of events, and the exact details of where and when the incident happened. You should document everything, including the other party’s license plate, the police officers attending and any treatment you received following the event.

Motor accidents are an unfortunate reality of driving day to day. But with a little attention to detail and safety awareness, they should be a minor bump in an otherwise smooth road.