Neat Nook Tricks for New Users


eReaders like the Nook are growing in popularity as presents over the holiday season. They’re perfect gifts for people who love to read because they can store books, comics, and news feeds in a small, easy to carry place. However, there are a lot of other things that your Nook Samsung can do that you may not know about.

Personalizing Tweaks

When you’re looking for electronics, customizations and personalization mean a lot to people. You don’t want to have a laptop that won’t allow you to change the background or move your aps around. You likewise will want to make your Nook Samsung something that belongs to you. You can change the wallpaper easily enough, but you can also go in and remove the large active shelf that takes up half your homepage if you choose to according to Mobil While you will not be able to replace that area with anything else, you can remove the shelf and replace it with a wallpaper of your choosing. To do this you need to access the settings menu, go to applications, and then uncheck all of the options that would show up on your ″active shelf″. Doing this removes those items from being seen and will give you a home page that appears clean.

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