Month: March 2017 (Page 4 of 9)

Movie Review: “T2 Trainspotting”

Ewan McGregor, Jonny Lee Miller, Ewen Bremner, Robert Carlyle, Anjela Nedyalkova, Kelly Macdonald
Danny Boyle

Let’s set aside, for the moment, the fact that “T2 Trainspotting” is one of the most unnecessary sequels the world has ever seen. Instead, let’s discuss my pitch for what that sequel would look like:

Sick Boy and Begbie find Renton and spend the entire film beating him to death. Roll credits.

As it turns out, that is not far off from the reality. “T2 Trainspotting” is the culmination of a lifetime of bad decisions and the influence that they have on a person even when they know it’s time to make better ones. If “Trainspotting” was equal parts tragic and upbeat, “T2” is mostly pathetic, capped by a long-overdue dose of karma. That it still manages to be entertaining despite looking, sounding and feeling exactly like the original film is to the great credit of director Danny Boyle, with slightly less credit to screenwriter John Hodge for reasons which will soon become apparent.

Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) returns to his childhood home of Edinburgh for the first time after stealing £16,000 from his junkie friends 20 years earlier. Life for those friends, sadly, is more of the same. His former bestie Simon “Sick Boy” Williamson (Jonny Lee Miller) is working extortion schemes with the help of pretty Bulgarian Veronika (Anjela Nedyalkova), while Daniel “Spud” Murphy (Ewen Bremner), having recently lost his job, is attempting suicide via overdose when Mark visits and subsequently saves him, much to Spud’s chagrin.

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Ways in Which Technology is Changing Our Lives

Have you ever stopped to think about all the ways in which technology is impacting our lives? While there are some obvious ways in which we use technological innovations every day, and it is apparent that they are steeped in technology, what about all the ‘little’ things we take for granted day in and day out? So many of our luxuries wouldn’t be possible without technological innovation. Here are just a few of the ways in which technology is changing our lives – some for the better and some maybe not so much.

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Blu Tuesday: Passengers and More

Every Tuesday, I review the newest Blu-ray releases and let you know whether they’re worth buying, renting or skipping, along with a breakdown of the included extras. If you see something you like, click on the cover art to purchase the Blu-ray from Amazon, and be sure to share each week’s column on social media with your friends.


Developed from one of the hottest scripts in Hollywood and starring two of its most bankable stars, “Passengers” should have been a slam dunk. But while the movie fails to reach its lofty ambitions, it’s still a thought-provoking piece of genre-hopping sci-fi that’s biggest misstep is the way in which it handles the story’s ethical dilemma. The world that director Morten Tyldum and writer Jon Spaihts have created is so captivating that it’s easy to see how their focus may have been derailed, but despite a few cool sequences in the latter half, the setup is much better than the payoff. Although it’s ultimately held together by some fantastic chemistry between Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, your mileage will vary depending on how you respond to the film’s polarizing plot twist.

Extras include a trio of featurettes on casting, production design and visual effects, as well as some outtakes, deleted scenes and more. FINAL VERDICT: RENT

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First Drive: 2018 Lexus LC

 2018 Lexus LC

The design revolution that began at Lexus several years ago has reached a new milestone with the introduction of the all-new Lexus LC, a beautiful luxury coupe that will now assume the role as the aspirational vehicle for the Lexus brand. I had the opportunity to drive the new vehicle around the Big Island in Hawaii, which was a perfect setting for this powerful and luxurious car that looks like a big hit for Lexus.

The LC grew out of the Lexus LF-LC, which was a true concept car that debuted at the 2012 North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The effort to bring this vehicle to market resulted in an entirely new platform called GA–L (Global Architecture – Luxury), which also forms the foundation for the all-new 2018 LS flagship sedan that will be released later this year and will underpin future front engine/rear-wheel drive Lexus models. The platform was designed with a lower center of gravity to aid agility and driving pleasure and to enable more alluring vehicle designs.

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