Tag: The Modern Man (Page 1 of 2)

What do women want?

This is the million-dollar question that drives many men crazy. If you want to do better with your dating life, you need to start trying to understand women better.

First, start paying attention! Women will give you all sorts of subtle signals and you just have to pick up on them.

Next, start doing some reading and getting advice from guys who have studied this. The pickup artists we recommend know what they’re doing, and you can learn a ton about women and the mistakes you been making by reading up on their advice.

Dan Bacon has a helpful overview on what women want, so check it and and see the importance of how women want to feel.

Closing the deal on your hookups

We all want to meet more women and date more, but none of this matters if we don’t know how to close the deal. Dan Bacon gives some helpful tips on hooking up and closing the deal. Things like initiating physical contact and maintaining eye contact are critical.

Touch her: Words are great, but the skin is the largest organ in the body and very responsive to sensual touch. Get sex by using any part of your body to rub or touch a woman’s skin.

It can be as simple as holding and caressing her hand, to using your leg to rub her dress against her skin, or even a casual touch of your hand against her face. This will help get a girl to have sex with you.

Maintain good eye contact: Guys often use eye contact when approaching women, but they tend to ignore or underestimate its ability on revving up a woman’s libido.

The next time you are talking to a girl and wondering how to get sex from her, simply tell her she is the sexiest woman in the room, while gazing directly into her eyes. Don’t be surprised if she starts to make out with you in public minutes later.

Check out the entire article.

How to seduce a woman

This is what it’s really about. We don’t want to date women for the sake of dating. We want to seduce women and enjoy their attraction to us.

If you want to improve your success with women, learning the art of seduction is critical. Dan Bacon gives his perspective on how to seduce a woman where he focuses on avoiding the friend zone. Check it out.

How to impress a woman

Guys think they need to impress women, but they often try way too hard. Here’s Dan Bacon’s take on how to impress a woman:

The key to impressing a woman is to impress her without trying to impress her. If you are trying to impress women in the hope of being chosen, then you are doing it wrong.

Instead of trying to impress her, focus on being an impressive guy by being your real self during conversations, on dates and in life. Then, when you talk to a woman you find attractive, she will have more reason to want to escalate to kissing, sex and a relationship with you. However, if you’re an unimpressive guy who is afraid to be his real self when talking to her, she will have more reason to want to end the interaction as soon as possible.

Read the whole article and start learning how to work on your inner game.

Can you tell of if a woman likes you?

Many guys have a very hard time reading signs from women. This applies to all sorts of things, as women aren’t as direct as men, but learning how to read when a woman likes you is critical to being successful in dating.

In his article about how to tell of a woman likes you, Dan Bacon address three important signs: eye contact, body language and her style of conversation.

Read the article and you’ll get some great information, but the key is training yourself to pay attention when you’re with a woman.

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