If you’re in a relationship, you’re probably aware that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Regardless of your feelings about this holiday, you can’t ignore it.
We updated our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide last week, and now we’re reminding all the procrastinators out there who always wait till the last minute. Fortunately, you can still benefit from Shelly’s advice in the guide.
Whatever you do, it is going to send a signal. You may not know that you are sending it but your gift will be scrutinized like the post mortem victim of a violent crime; not only by your girl but, believe me, by every one of her friends and co-workers, family and potentially, that ex who may be waiting for a second chance!
And the media/marketing machine doesn’t help, either. It seems as though every year; this pseudo-holiday gets bigger and the expectations are raised to insurmountable heights. Whatever it is that you give her will set the tone for your relationship for the rest of the year. This gift you will give to your little Sherlock Holmes offers the clues she needs to define your feelings for her; whether or not you are serious; see her as wife material; think she is fat; aren’t that into her, and on and on in ways which you could never imagine.
Check it out and you’ll get some good ideas. This isn’t rocket science – you just need to put a little thought into it, and we’re here to help.
Now, for those of you who aren’t in a relationship, you don’t have to worry about all this stuff, but this is also an ideal time to get out there and connect with a woman who’s available. Naturally, most women hate being alone on Valentine’s Day, so you’ll find that many of them will be more open to a guy’s advances during this time of year. So, it’s time to brush up on your game and get out there! Check out our dating tips page for great advice from David DeAngelo, and check out the sites listed on our online dating page for websites you can start using. Happy hunting!