Tag: Being Flynn

Blu Tuesday: Another Slice of Pie, Batman Goes to China and More

Last week’s Blu-ray haul was so lackluster that I didn’t even bother writing a column, but thankfully, that doesn’t look like it’s going to be a problem in July. In addition to today’s great selection of new releases, the rest of the month promises to be just as bountiful, which is good news for anyone trying to get out of this insane summer heat.

“American Reunion”

It’s easy to forgive the cast of “American Reunion” for having some hesitations about returning for another installment of the comedy franchise (especially after that terrible line of direct-to-video spin-offs didn’t do much for its reputation), but credit to co-writers/directors Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg for not only getting everyone on board, but delivering one of the better films in the series. Nothing will ever compare to the 1999 original, but seeing Jim, Stifler and the rest of the gang all grown-up is just as ripe for comedy as when they were horny teenagers. Though not every subplot (and with this many characters to juggle, there are quite a few) works as well as others, the chemistry among the core cast remains intact, and that’s a major reason for its success. It’s also clear that Hurwitz and Schlossberg are fans of the franchise themselves, and it definitely shows in their understanding of the characters’ relationships, as well as the balance between the sweeter moments and gross-out humor. And yes, there’s plenty of both to go around.

Blu-ray Highlight: There’s a ton of bonus material on the disc, but most of it feels like filler. The audio commentary with Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, however, offers some nice insight on making the film and other behind-the-scenes anecdotes.

“The Flowers of War”

The Nanking Massacre, which is arguably China’s most tragic event in modern history, has been portrayed in numerous films before, but not nearly with as much grace as Zhang Yimou’s “The Flowers of War.” The director doesn’t exactly shy away from the brutal and violent behavior by the Japanese soldiers who invaded the city, but he brings a beauty to the movie that you wouldn’t expect from such grim material. Though there are some subplots that could have easily been cut to prevent the film from feeling so bloated, in many cases, those scenes allow for the supporting cast to be developed beyond simple background extras. The cinematography is gorgeous as always, and the performances are pretty good across the board (particularly newcomer Ni Ni and Christian Bale as the Westerner caught in the middle of the conflict), but the real star is the story itself, which earns its emotional beats without feeling like it’s pandering to the audience. “The Flowers of War” may not be Yimou’s best work, but it’s a well-crafted drama that definitely deserves to be seen.

Blu-ray Highlight: Although there’s no “Play All” option for the five-part behind-the-scenes featurette, each section is worth watching for various reasons. “The Birth of ‘The Flowers of War’” is undeniably the most interesting of the bunch, as it crams in a lot of material (including casting the children and hookers, as well as their preparation for the roles), but the one dedicated to Christian Bale’s involvement is also fascinating, even if the Chinese cast and crew go a bit over the top with their adoration for the actor.

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Coming Soon: A Moviegoer’s Guide to March

Springtime is finally here, and as the weather starts to get a little better, so does your choice of movies. Though March wasn’t always known as a month where you could score big at the box office, Zack Snyder’s “300” changed all that, and since then, the studios have been more open to releasing some of their higher profile films in an attempt to cash in on the pre-summer excitement. If it’s big-budget epics you’re after, or just a great comedy anchored by some big names, then you’ll want to continue reading.


Who: Robert De Niro, Paul Dano, Olivia Thirlby and Julianne Moore
What: While working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn re-encounters his estranged father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet.
When: March 2nd
Why: This is the kind of film that you’d normally expect to see during awards season, which is what makes Focus Features’ decision to release it in March so refreshing. Of course, it could just mean that the movie simply isn’t good enough to be Oscar bait, but with actors like Robert De Niro and Paul Dano involved, it seems pretty unlikely. Based on playwright Nick Flynn’s memoir, “Another Bullshit Night in Suck City” (a great book title, but hardly one that rolls off the tongue when buying a ticket at the movie theater), “Being Flynn” might just be the film that finally gets De Niro’s acting career back on track. If nothing else, it’s great to see Paul Weitz directing some much headier material following the dreadful “Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant” and “Little Fockers.”


Who: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe, Dominic West and Mark Strong
What: After a Civil War veteran is inexplicably transported to Mars, he becomes mixed up in a conflict amongst the habitants of the planet.
When: March 9th
Why: I had never even heard of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ series of pulp fantasy novels when a “John Carter” movie was first rumored a few years ago as a possible directing project for Jon Favreau, but after seeing the initial trailer, I was sold. It’s been awhile since a sci-fi epic has come along that actually looks the part, and a lot of that credit goes to Andrew Stanton, who, although he’s best known for directing Pixar hits like “Finding Nemo” and “Wall-E,” is following in the footsteps of colleague Brad Bird with his live-action debut. While it will be interesting to see what Stanton can do outside the realm of animation, however, the film’s success will ultimately depend on whether Taylor Kitsch can prove to be the action star that Hollywood is betting on him to become.

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