If you’re looking to upgrade your wardrobe, one area to focus on is accessories, and cuff links are a great way to add some style to your look when wearing a suit or sport coat. Cuff links demonstrate an attention to detail that was once common for gentlemen but is more rare today.

The Livingstone cuff links from Archibald J. McNeil are a great option. These classically-styled cuff links are handcrafted in the United States by an experienced and skilled metal smith and are made of authentic Argentium® silver, known for its high tarnish resistant properties. The arrowhead shape gives these cuff links a distinctive and stylish shape. The cuff links are elegant yet unique and will likely be noticed by anyone with good taste.

While cuff links might not be a part of your everyday wardrobe, it’s important to display a sense of class and style in the right settings, and the arrowhead cuff links would be a great addition to a small or large collection. It’s hard to imagine anyone not liking this design, so they also make a great gift for the holidays. Browse through the items available at Archibald J. McNeil and you’ll likely find something great for yourself while our female readers will find plenty of gift ideas for the man in their life.