There is a big online casino trend going on right now all over the world, and the most popular games are slots, where you spin the reels to line up symbols. If you feel like playing a casino slot but want more depth on the game experience and how to reduce the risks of losing money, you should know that there are several good options out there.
Slots and Video Games Come Together
If you want to play a slot just for fun, with added challenges and depth, you can try games like “Scatter Slots” by Murka, where you embark on a journey with colurful and charismatic characters. The idea is to spin the slots to get lucky and get bonus games and free spins (just like a normal slot machine) in order to complete missions. But instead of winning real money, you will progress through different levels while enjoying the story and the character interaction. When you finish levels, new and exciting slots will be unlocked for you. Think of slot games combined with video games.
Time oo Get Social
Gaming experiences get more fun and real when you share them with other people. For instance, in “Scatter Slots” by Murka, you can get in contact with other players through a Facebook page and post tips, hints and other things you experience in the game. This is also a good spot to visit in case you need some tips yourself, like if you get stuck in a mission or just want an idea on how to get extra coins and bonuses.
Tips While You Play
● Daily challenges will earn you coins, gems and other useful items. These are generally quite easy to accomplish, so make sure you play a bit every day to reach far.
● If you download the game to your smart device right now, you can enjoy a massive casino bonus of 5 million free slot coins. This will keep you busy spinning the reels for a long time without having to pay anything extra.
● In case you spend all your coins, you will get new ones every hour, so you are never too far away from a new game.
● Another good feature is that you are able to play the game both online and offline, so there is no need to worry if you are outside your home with a weak connection – the slots will spin anyway!
How to Start Playing
Games like “Scatter Slots” by Murka are easy to get started with, and they are usually free to download. They’re always available to play on the go, during long commutes between work and home, or just when you need something to distract you from your everyday problems and get your mind off of things.