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Friday Video – The English Beat, “Best Friend”

So get this: some neighbors of ours throw this massive Halloween party that switches houses halfway through the evening, and costumes are mandatory. They’re throwing it a week early this year for some reason, which gave us one less week to come up with an idea for a costume. But finally, it came to us: new wave zombie. Hey, it’s cheap and easy. Get some makeup and colored hair spray, slap on the English Beat t-shirt and Doc Martens, and it’s a go.

So, in honor of the early halloween party (we’ll pay a more proper salute to Halloween next week), we give you the English Beat at the height of their powers. If you get the chance to see the band singer Dave Wakeling’s touring with, though, go, go, go. Most fun two hours you’ll have all year, and the tickets are cheap. Rock on.


Friday Video – The English Beat, “Mirror in the Bathroom”

We realize we’re about 30 years too late, but better late than never; the English Beat is coming to town this weekend, and we are there, dude. So what if Dave Wakeling’s the only remaining member of the band? (Well, this incarnation, anyway – Ranking Roger leads the Beat on the other side of the pond.) It’s Dave singing songs by the Beat. We’re in.