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DesignByHumans t-shirts and more

slide big unicorn for breakfast

DesignByHumans (DBH) is a unique t-shirt company devoted to artistic expression. Graphic artists are encouraged to submit t-shirt designs and the best are featured on the site. The result is an incredible selection of t-shirts and hoodies for both men and women featuring distinctive artwork. We tried out several samples and the quality of the shirts matches the quality of the art.

DesignByHumans is built around an online community “dedicated to buying, designing and celebrating the art of graphic t-shirts.” Each day the site features a new designed shirt selected from hundreds of creative submissions. Each design selected as a daily winner wins $1000 so the artists are definitely rewarded. Winners are selected from the peer voting committee and the DesignByHumans curators.

Shirt Of the Day t-shirts are discounted which encourages consumers to come back regularly, and you can shop the 50 most wanted tees for the best of the best in DBH design.

If you have someone on your gift list that appreciates trendy t-shirts and designs, then you should definitely check DBH out as you do your holiday shopping.


Sunny has Two in the Shirt

UPDATE: This content has been removed. Check out our Photoshoots page for more beautiful photography, and subscribe to our YouTube channel as well.