Sparks have been given a raw deal by time. They may not have been the best or brightest band of their era, but they were making damn interesting, and at times insanely catchy, records of any genre, and particularly for early ’80s synth pop. In a field where you’re only as good as your latest synthesizer, the Mael brothers (Ron and Russell) dared to make art with their keyboards. Pity they’re not given more credit for that.

This song, from their 1982 album Angst in My Pants, is a sentimental favorite because it appeared on the first mix tape (that’s right, we said it, mix tape) that this writer received from the girl who would one day become his wife. We even played it at our wedding, something that we’re guessing the Maels would find amusing. This video is homemade, but it’s cute. The song is really the key here, though. (And for the record, love is not worse than war and worse than death. If it feels that way, you’re doing it wrong.)