If you are a project manager then you know that working on some particular project is itself not an easy thing to do. And the issue becomes even more complicated if you have different departments working in different countries and having no eye-to-eye contact. For the sake of simplifying PM in general a lot of managers today start using PM software. In this article we want to stress the importance of online pm tools and explain what questions it is important to ask when choosing project management online software for your company.

#1 – What Goals I Have?

First of all, you yourself need to understand what effect you want your new PM software to have. For example, you need a PM to facilitate the upload of pictures to your company’s web-site, or you need to make reports that will be adjusted by some departments overseas. Think about what you currently lack in your working process and seek for software that will help you.

#2 – What Functionality Do I Need from PM Software?

Today the market is actually full of options to choose and each of them has slightly different functions. Some are created to work better for certain industries, and others will provide you only bare-bones features. Carefully think about what you expect from your software, and only after you set up the frame start looking for a “helper” that does those things.

#3 – Do I Need Cloud Software or In-House?

Each of these options has its own benefits. In-house software is basically easier to protect, you can manage the code and it puts you in the driver’s seat. On the other hand, cloud-based PM software is more comfortable for detached offices and you can also save on technology. In order to choose “the right” software you simply should consider your needs.

#4 – Can the New Software Take Care of My Specific and Unique Needs?

This is a very important question to ask before you purchase any type of software. When you have found an option that satisfies three previous points it is the time to think about specific characteristics that you might need. And only if the software you have chosen can help you, you can move on to the fifth question described below, if no, it is better to look for other possibilities.

#5 – Can My Team Use this Tool?

Last, but certainly not the least important point in choosing new or your first PM software. Remember that you are looking for a way to make you company’s work process easier and not vice versa. So when thinking of getting software make sure that all team members will be able to understand how to work with it. For some people it might appear to be too complicated so instead of simplifying the work process you will only worsen it. Always make sure that the changes you plan are for good!

And the last general advice from this article, when choosing a PM software for your company, do not rely only on reviews and the price range of the options you have. First of all, ask yourself five questions described above in order to find the best existing software to math your needs.

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