
In a fast-paced modern world, it is only natural to want to have as many hours in your day as possible. Problems arise, however, when you choose to sacrifice sleep too regularly. Although the conventional wisdom suggests it is women who need “beauty sleep,” the fact is that men who stay awake past the recommended amounts also start to suffer. Here are several reasons why being sure to get a comfortable night of sleep is important to everyone interested in maintaining their health.

Aches and Pains

Morning aches are an unfortunate part of aging. Although they can feel like an inevitability, the fact is that several choices you can make can offset the problem. Sleeping an adequate amount is key to avoiding these pains, and a proper mattress can make all the difference.

Options like the Helix mattress offer new frontiers of comfort, making your mornings happier. It is a personalizable and customizable mattress that can give you support in all the places you need it, thereby reducing your aches and pains. The Helix even has a cooling layer to help you stay at the right temperature. Head to Sleepopolis to read a detailed Helix mattress review.

Mental Acuity

Studies show that the performance of our brains is contingent on getting sufficient sleep. After missing a full night or two of sleep, people begin taking longer to react, turning everyday events like driving into hazardous activates. Moreover, decision-making abilities are also impaired, leaving the sufferer to make poor choices throughout the day. Getting to sleep at a reasonable time on a comfortable bed is crucial to making the right choices in your waking hours.

Staying Heart Healthy

Another area of trouble for the sleep deprived is heart health. Your cardiovascular system is a complicated thing, reliant on a wide variety of factors; among them is your sleep schedule. The sleep deprived are significantly more likely to develop cardio issues like hypertension, and to later suffer from serious ailments like strokes and heart attacks. Heart disease is the number one killer in modern America, felling more than 600,000 every year. Doing everything you can to prevent that is only good sense, especially when something as simple as sleep can help to keep you healthy.

Keeping Trim

Of course, there are also vainer reasons to get enough shut-eye. Sleep is a way for the body to conserve and allocate energy, and a lack of sleep can lead to increased hunger. This, coupled with the lowered decision-making skills mentioned earlier, can lead to bad choices in nutrition and subsequent weight gain. There aren’t a lot of weight loss strategies that involve inactivity, so you’re well-advised to take advantage of this one.

There’s really no excuse to fall behind in sleep; although extra time you spend awake might seem useful at first, the decrease in performance soon builds up and obliterates the perceived benefits of extra time. Get to sleep at a reasonable hour in a well-chosen bed, and you’ll find yourself operating in peak condition for a long time.