7 Great Gaming Blogs


You want games? We got games. Some of the best gaming sites in the UK aren’t sites where you play games. They’re sites where you read about games. These blogs contain some of the coolest tips and tricks, along with reviews of games that have just been released. You’ll also find commentary about the gaming industry and even older games that you may have yet to discover.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Rock, Paper, Shotgun is a gaming site focusing on PC gaming. The writers are 6 of Britain’s top gaming critics and covers everything from breaking news and headlines to new releases. They’re pretty adamant about only reviewing PC games so, if you’re a fan of the platform, you’ll love it here.

If you’re not, you’re out of luck. But, within this platform, there’s a lot to like. The reviews are thoughtful, in-depth, and contain a lot of useful information from a user’s perspective. Not all of them are long, however, and you might not always get the most amazing and insightful information from older or less-popular games.


GamezPlay.org is a large site. How large? Large – it hosts reviews and blog posts about everything from PC games to XBox One to PS3 titles to X360 and iOS. There’s even a “free games” section.

Some of the coolest games can be found on this site. For example, Magic 2015, Garruk’s Revenge, is currently being reviewed. If you’re more into XBox games, you might like some of the new titles being released like Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Falling Skies, Farm Simulator, Or Far Cry 4.

The reviews for the site are pretty solid, but they also have an objective feel (for the most part). You don’t really get the sense that someone behind the posts telling you much they enjoyed the game. To make up for that, there are lots of screen shots and high-res photos so you really get a feel for what a game is like.


Awesome Games contains a mix of commentary about the gaming culture as well as game reviews. Here, you can stay up to date on the so-called “Gamergate” controversy (if you care about that sort of thing), and read reviews on the latest games coming to market.

Some of the news pieces are exceptional, like the one about UK schools teaching kids with video games. It poses a question: can children learn while playing video games? It’s every child’s dream. And, it turns out that someone in the gaming industry wants to test that hypothesis by opening a free school that uses video games to teach students.


The strength of DealSpwn is in its uncanny ability to find low priced versions of games that you actually want. Every week, the writers post up the best low-cost games they can find. They even have a price comparison engine called Gamebase.

The site posts news, reviews, features, new releases, and even humour-related pieces.

Outside XBox

Outside Xbox is a gaming site that contains a lot of videos reviews. Unlike a lot of gaming sites, you actually get to see players play the games (OK, you don’t actually see the players, but you do see the gameplay). So, before rushing out to buy something, you get a sense of what it’s like.

That’s rare in the world of gaming blogs. Most of them just have screen captures and, while it’s better than nothing, it doesn’t give you the “live experience” that everyone really wants. Sometimes the commentary is a bit long-winded, however, so if you want short and “to-the-point” reviews, you’ll be disappointed.

If you want to be entertained, you could easily watch these vids for hours.


Kotaku fills the spirit of a gaming blog better than most – in the truest sense of the word. When you read a blog, you want a gamer’s opinions about the game you’re reading about. This blog gives you that.

But, you get more than just opinions. You get a good mix of objectivity thrown in as well as screen captures and video samples of the game.

Crazy Horse Gaming

If you’re into playing roulette, give this blog a spin. You won’t find just your typical games here. It has a mix of new and classic titles.

For example, they have reviews of the old Mario Tennis 64. But, the site is more than just reviews. There are videos, features, and a social area with curated content from around the web. The site also has a news section so that you can stay updated on all of the latest happenings in the industry.

Harriet Davies has always had a soft spot for online gaming. An avid blogger, she likes to share what she finds with others by posting online. You can find her informative articles on a variety of blogs and websites today.