A&E Network’s original scripted drama series, “Breakout Kings,” returns for an action-packed second season. From Matt Olmstead and Nick Santora, writers/producers of the hit series “Prison Break,” “Breakout Kings” follows an unconventional partnership between the U.S. Marshals’ office and a group of convicts as they work to catch fugitives on the run.
In “Breakout Kings,” veteran U.S. Marshals Charlie Duchamp (Laz Alonso, Avatar, Fast and the Furious 4: Fast & Furious) and Ray Zancanelli (Domenick Lombardozzi, “The Wire,” “Entourage”) decide to reject protocol and take an unorthodox approach to their work: using former criminals to catch current ones. They form a special task force composed of the three most elusive convicts Ray ever captured: Lloyd Lowery (Jimmi Simpson, “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,”), a former child prodigy and behaviorist/psychiatric expert who excels in psychoanalysis; Shea Daniels (Malcolm Goodwin, American Gangster), an ex-gang banger who knows how to work the system, both in prison and on the street; and Erica Reed (Serinda Swan, Tron: Legacy, “Smallville”), a sexy expert tracker who learned her trade from her bounty hunter father. Charlie and Ray also employ the services of Julianne Simms (Brooke Nevin, “Worst Week”), a civilian who acts as the “funnel” for the group – all information, tips and data go through her.