Tag: Lacrosse

The Low-Down on Lacrosse: Its Benefits, Gameplay, and Roots

Lacrosse is a team sport that has its roots in Native American traditions. The game originally went by several names among the Native American tribes in the part of the North American continent that is now Canada, and it had both practical and spiritual applications. When European settlers arrived, they adopted the game as their own and turned it into the sport we know today.

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Wanna Get Active? Pick Up A New Sport

When the new year rolls around most people think about getting in shape, losing a few pounds, or just living a more active lifestyle in general. This is something you can do pretty easily if you pick up a new sport, especially if the sport demands strength and endurance.


Rugby has finally moved across the pond and onto the fields of local high schools and parks. It can serve as a good alternative for football with less padding and smaller teams. Less padding, most players just using a mouth guard, allows this sport to be played without having to spend money on lots of extra padding and equipment.

A metro team is usually made up of all willing players in two or three surrounding areas. There are lots of different components that make up a rugby team so new members are always encouraged to join no matter what level their skill set.


Hockey is a sport that is hit and miss around the country. Areas that “hit” on hockey are usually the Northeast or anywhere in Canada where locals are seemingly mad for the sport. Then you have warmer climates where the game is less popular or almost unheard of. Playing hockey anywhere in the country is possible and a ton of exercise. Learning how to skate on ice or on a hardwood floor takes practice and effort, but once you start playing you will never want to stop. If you aren’t the type who wants to skate constantly think about playing goalie where you have a lot of downtime mixed in with really intense moments of defending your net.

Practice always makes for a better player particularly when it comes to maneuverability. Purchasing proper equipment, such as skates, hockey masks, sticks and pads is key to both safety and performance on the ice.


Lacrosse is a more up and coming sport that is a sort of blend of other field sports. It is both a speed and contact sport and so requires a sense of brute finesse. Personal equipment includes upper body padding, a helmet, and a lacrosse stick. This said, men’s and women’s lacrosse rules and regulations vary when it comes to equipment and on field contact. Like rugby, metro teams can pop up instead of individual high school teams, but unlike hockey, all that lacrosse requires is an open field and a couple of nets.

Regardless of what method you try to get in shape during 2013 one of the best is picking up a sport. Combining fun and exercise is a great combo. Even if you only play 1 day a week it is a good change of pace from the gym and something to look forward too, so grab a ball, stick, or whatever and get out there.

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