Fade into 2017 with a classic cut

If your hair is receding, thinning or you have a really wicked bald spot coming in, there really isn’t much hair style advice out there for you. Instead, you’re forced to watch celebrities like Justin Timberlake rock every conceivable hair style known to man, get all the babes and earn the label “fresh to death.”

The good people at Wahl trimmers know your struggle and have come up with a solution. In fact, 2017 has been hailed as the year of the fade by Dan Michel, noted expert on all things man.

“I think the fade is really cool because it’s not necessarily a haircut by itself – it’s part of a haircut. What you do on the top is totally up to you. That’s what makes it really dynamic.”

The Fade looks just as cool in the boardroom as it does on the street. Long on the top and short on the sides is signature to a Fade, and you can get weird like Brian Setzer or go all JT on them.

Look at Jason Statham: hair loss has worked out just fine for him. Why can’t you be Jason Statham? With a few sit-ups and a clipper from Wahl, you practically are him.

“Just because you have to keep your hair short doesn’t mean you can’t change up your haircut and make it look cool, different and interesting,” said Mitchell.

“With Wahl, it’s the construction. Stainless steel blades, self-sharpening. The clippers have a nice weight to them. And they have to [in order] to give you a consistent cut every time.”

How do you know when to shave your head?

“I think that depends on a couple of factors. I think it should be progressive. If it’s come to the point where you’ve lost so much on top that you can’t keep it any longer than a 1/2 inch or 1/4 inch, then there’s really no room for a fade. It needs to be that length everywhere. If you can sustain the 1/4 inch, it looks the coolest – like that Statham look.

“If it comes to a full-on horseshoe, where you don’t even grow hair on top, then I think it’s time to go bald. That horseshoe look ages men. If you’re 50% or less, it’s time to go bald.”

For more information, check out Wahlfadecut.com and follow Dan on Twitter @iamdanmichel