As a man, it pays to take the occasional look in the mirror. This isn’t just to make sure you haven’t forgotten to shave that patch on your neck, or to figure out how your nose hair situation is doing. It’s important to think about how you’re developing in various areas. It’s always good to think about your development, comparing your current self against your past self. But it’s also good to think about where you stand compared to other people your age. Not all of us develop at the same rate, but there are certain things you should definitely have worked out by now. We’ll divide these into three criteria: fitness, finance and creativity.
If you’re majorly out of shape, this is forgivable, but it also stops now. You’re not a kid anymore. You’re an adult, by anyone’s definition, and that means you’re going to start taking responsibility for your fitness. Healthy living starts to make itself happen once you’ve invested in it long enough. Quality food starts to taste good and becomes what you crave. Working out starts to be a natural thing that is rewarding for its own sake. But these things don’t happen on their own. If you can’t figure out a way to make it happen, get a buddy, hire a personal trainer, or talk to a doctor about an antidepressant to help you get over the hump. Whatever it takes, start getting healthy now. You’re at the end of the time when great health comes to you for free. You’ve got to make it happen from here on out.
Don’t waste your money. This is a pretty basic piece of money advice, but it’s one that lots of people your age haven’t quite figured out yet. If that sounds like you, it’s time to make a budget and stick to it. Pay off your debt as fast as you can and then start thinking about saving and investment. At this stage in your life, money isn’t all about entertainment. It’s about preparing for your future, building a life and perhaps including other people in both.
If you figure out how to keep your body healthy and how to keep your money in order, the last thing that most people need to be happy and satisfied is an outlet for their creativity. It doesn’t matter who you are, there is some part of you that likes to create. Whether it be writing (on any subject that turns you on), making music, painting or coaching, it’s important to do it. It gets you out of your head and can get you involved with others in a way that is healthy and productive.
There are tons of ways to apply these different ideas. All of us have different strengths and weaknesses, but there is no healthy human ambition that can’t find its way into one of these categories. Do these intentionally, and build them up on their own, and you’ll have a better life before you know it.