With the many training techniques available, the fitness world is not spared of arguments and debates. Among these is the full body versus split issue, wherein some people believe that you only have to choose between the two programs for strength training. You will even see trainers who have impressive physiques focusing on split routines for their own workout while they train their clients with full body workouts. With this contradiction, some are left confused on which one is better or if there’s even a need to choose between the two in the first place.
A full body workout involves exercising the entire body and stimulating all muscles in the workout, while split routine involves exercising muscle groups or movement patterns on separate days. This could mean that if you are working out three times a week, you can have chest and back exercises today, shoulders on another day and legs on the third day. There are different variations; for instance, some do full body exercises and just set some days off working out. Most experts agree that there is really no point in choosing between the two programs, because both offer unique benefits. The important thing is to find what each one can do for your body and if it is recommendable for you. Each body is different. The type of routine you do depends on your goals and what you prefer doing.
Benefits of a Full Body Workout
One of the benefits of full body training is greater frequency for each muscle group. The more you stimulate your muscle to grow, the more it will grow, especially if you are hitting it with varying stimuli. Another advantage is that it yields greater energy expenditure. This allows you to eat more without worrying about getting additional fat. It can also let you skip a short cardio after weight training or gain mass with less fat. Lastly, a full body workout offers greater glycogen depletion and protein degradation. If you nourish your body with the right nutrients, expect superior results.
Who Should Do Full Body Workouts?
Cardio fanatics who do not like strength training can choose full body workouts, especially circuit training a few times a week. Beginners should also start with this program, along with older adults. They can have two workouts in a week. Those who are doing strength training can also stick to full body exercises once or twice a week. Advanced exercisers who lift very heavy and maximize calorie burns should also do this workout.
Benefits of Split Routines
Split routines offer less fatigue and greater loads. Full body workouts are more fatiguing. With split-based programs, you can enjoy less fatigue and heightened performance. Split routines are also excellent for body shaping. It gives you more control of the area you are developing. Each muscle group gets undivided attention, unlike a full body workout. Some trainers say that this workout is easier and more manageable since you only focus on a few muscle groups at a time, especially if you are lifting weights. With split routine, you can get high quality, intense training in as little as half an hour.
Who Should Do Split Routines?
Split routines are ideal for bodybuilders and fitness models that prefer lifting heavy and hitting muscles hard. They can have better control shaping their body. It is also great for advanced lifters who religiously go to the gym and lift weights to hit their legs and core. If you get nauseous doing full body workouts, split-based routines offer a better program because you do not have to deal with this. This happens to those who cannot handle the intensity of full body workouts.
Effective exercise starts with the right program. Les Mills Workouts have different fitness classes, routines and trainings to choose from. With the variety of workout options, it is impossible to not find a program that fits your needs and lifestyle. It’s never too late to tread the healthy path. Start now.