If you’re new to the dating game, or have just recently been reintroduced, there’s no doubt about it; dating can be one of the more awkward and trying things in all of manhood. Trying to figure out what a woman wants and giving her that while being yourself can be tricky. They want you sensitive but firm, consistent but spontaneous, talkative but attentive, yada, yada, yada, pretty much any two juxtaposing ideals you can think of. But dating really doesn’t have to be all that hard. With these five easy tips and ideas, dating can actually be an enjoyable experience.

– Give Online Sites a Try

Oftentimes the hardest part about dating is just getting a date. While there still seems to be a lingering stigma for some surrounding dating via the web, it really does work, and it can take a lot of the random guesswork out of the equation. There are sites for all types of guys, even those who fit the sugar daddy definition. Giving these sites a try can really make your life a lot easier. Remember: don’t knock it ‘till you try it.

– Go Some Place You Know

Now that you have a date, taking her to a restaurant or any other destination that you’re familiar with instantly increases your comfort level. It can also give you some great conversational topics if you know certain things about the place or the surrounding area.

– Be Ready

It’s wise to have a couple different conversation topics or points stored in the memory bank, just in case you find yourself in one of those awkwardly long silences where neither of you can think of anything to say. In this same vein, while it’s important to be prepared, over-planning or overthinking things can be a huge turnoff for women, who somehow seem to have a sixth sense for these sort of things.

– No One’s Perfect

If you’ve ever seen the movie Good Will Hunting, you’ll probably recall this fitting quote from Robin Williams’ character: “You’re not perfect, sport. And let me save you the suspense… this girl… she isn’t either.” Don’t expect perfection on a first date, or any date for that matter. Things will probably get awkward once or twice, but that’s all part of the game. Just knowing and expecting that can be the difference between success and failure.

– She’s No.1

Women aren’t the only sex that likes to talk about themselves, but when it comes to dates, you should make it as much about her as possible. Ask her questions, compliment her hair and outfit, and let her know that you’re generally interested in her as a person, not just a potential mate.

Well, that’s pretty much it boys. With these simple tips you’ve really got all the tools you need to be a regular Cassanova. Now go out there and get her.