Tag: Men’s Shaving Cream

Product Review: Dove Men+Care Expert Shave Range


My first thought when I received the new Dove Men+Care Expert Shave Range was, “What, now Dove wants me to believe that it has a legitimate premium shave product offering?”

But after using it extensively, the Dove brand has done a fantastic job and delivered a high-end shaving experience that I truly did not expect.

The Expert Shave Range consists of three steps — Pre-Shave, Shave and Post-Shave — and consists of five products. You can use them individually, but to get the most out of your shave, you’ll want to use each piece available in concert, just like Voltron.


Exfoliating Pre-Shave Scrub ($21.99) – What I liked the most was that even though my skin was being exfoliated and my skin was being prepped for a shave, it never felt dried out or flaky. The scrub hydrates as it cleanses. I used it in non-shaveable areas like my forehead and behind my ears and it was equally effective.

Softening Pre-Shave Oil ($21.99) – Now that your skin has effectively had it’s top ripped off, the last thing you want to do is drag a stiff, cold razor across it, which is an absolute recipe for irritation. The pre-shave oil felt great and worked quickly; you can see the results in the mirror immediately. You don’t need a ton of it and it has a non-invasive, classic scent that smells great.


Dove gives you two choices for shaving cream.

Smoothing Shave Cream ($21.99) – This cream was the lighter of the two and had a silky smooth, ribbon-like texture. Ideal for a quick shave, or post-workout at the gym.

Total Comfort Shave Cream ($25.99) – Total Comfort was thick and rich with a whipped cream consistency. When you pay for premium shaving products, this is what you expect. It is a literal cream in every sense of the word.

Post Shave

Post-Shave Repair Balm ($25.99) – One thing I absolutely hate is a post-shave product touted as a moisturizer that actually dries your skin out because it has either too much alcohol, menthol or water. You put some on and 20 minutes later your skin has dry patches and you feel about as lubricated as the Tin Man.

My skin felt fantastic every time I shaved with these products. The Dove Expert Shave Range has been carefully formulated to address all aspects a man encounters before, during and after a shave, and you can really feel it.

If you’ve never used a high-end multi-faceted shaving system, the Dove Men+Care Expert Shave Range is the perfect entry level product for a man most familiar with lower cost gels found at the drugstore.

Shaving is a ritual that should be enjoyed, not sped through on the way to the next life event. And now, Dove has given you the tools to enjoy it.

For more information, check out Dove Men+Care on Twitter and on Facebook. Feel free to use the hashtag #ExpertShave liberally, as you would with any of the Dove products.

Product Review: Evolution Man Shaving Cream and Face Wash


Is it a shaving cream? Is it a face wash? The new shaving cream and face wash from Evolution Man is literally both, combined into one.

In a natural progression based on a man’s need for clean skin and an effective shaving cream, Evolution Man was born. If you have to do both anyway, why not just combine them? This is the foundation that the brand was built on.

When I first applied the cream into my hand, I feared it may be overly gloppy. But the thickness allowed it to function as a facial scrub for cleaning, which in turn softened and opened my skin for shaving.

After my shave, my skin felt crisp and exfoliated, even beyond the normal feeling that I would typically experience after a shave. It was potentially the fastest shave I have ever completed. Not because speed is king, as it is in the NFL, but because there was no mess and my razor seemed to move with atypical ease.

Several hours post-shave, my skin retained a baby-like smoothness and felt tingly, like it was energized somehow. Even on areas I didn’t shave, like my forehead, the cleansing effect it had on my skin was noticeable.

All the oil my forehead had accumulated after a long two days of wrenching on my kitchen sink was removed effectively, beyond what even a cold, saturated wash cloth could accomplish. And it didn’t dry my skin out — it wasn’t that kind of tightness. Instead, it was the kind you get that leaves you feeling fresh with the confidence that you look good.

The orange scent of the product was a nice touch. The aroma of the essential oil left me feeling relaxed and happy. The cream is “derived from the peel of fresh oranges it work as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant super star.”

The product itself isn’t the only thing that has evolved; the packaging it came in also represents the next phase in men’s grooming products, as each tube is made with post-consumer recycled materials.

Is it a shaving cream? Is it a face wash? EvMan’s Shaving Cream and Face Wash is a high-end, highly effective grooming product that is pushing the limit of what we expect from our shaving and skin care experiences. Strike the “s” from ‘experiences”; they are now one in the same.

To order or to find more information, follow the link to www.evolution-man.com.

Product Review: 2013 Dove Men + Care Product Line


When I’m cleaning my face, I want a system. I don’t want to approach the situation haphazardly, like the parents on MTV’s hit TV show “Teen Mom.”

Let’s be frank — and yes, you “can still be Garth.” Your face skin is essentially your billboard to the world. And what does this billboard promote? The business of You, Incorporated.

If your face looks blotchy, dry, flaky, weird, or any other adjective that would describe a rabid Russian dog, scrounging the public subway system for scraps, you probably don’t want to look like that. You probably don’t want to look like Gorbachev, either.

You, Incorporated is coming off of another great fiscal quarter, but how do you maintain the momentum and feed all the families who depend on your face? By trusting a known commodity when it comes to building the brand of You. If you’re breathing, you’re branding, and if you’re washing your face and the rest of your body, you better be using the new cleansing system that is the 2013 Dove Men + Care line.

In a word, the Dove Men + Care line is stout. Dove has really covered all aspects, from shaving, to cleansing, and everything in between. Check out the list of products I received:

 – Cool Silver Deodorant

– Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

– Aqua Impact Body + Face Bar

– Aqua Impact Body And Face Wash

– Hydrate + Post Shave Balm

– Hydrate + Face Wash

– Sensitive + Shave Gel

– Sensitive + Post Shave Balm

– Sensitive + Face Lotion

My inclination when I started writing this review was to mention my favorite product, and then spend equal time on the one I liked the least. But honestly, I liked them all. Plus, it’s impossible to single them out, because they are all pieces of the same entity.

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