Buying a good college alumni gift can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. However, we also know that it’s no rocket science. Here are a few alumni gift ideas that you may find interesting…
Big Ticket Gifts
1. Car – Whether the new graduate has never owned a car or simply needs an upgrade, a car can be a really exciting and a useful gift. Every college graduate dreams of freedom after college, and since they’re mostly capable of holding the responsibility of a car, it makes sense to gift one that’s within your budget.
2. Vacation – Most students love travel, and want to go out on tours after graduation. If your graduate is one of them, then a summer vacation is a nice way to get him/her to see the world and understand how life works. Whether you plan to send your graduate to Australia or Europe – the idea is to have them experience a new place.
3. Home Furnishings – If your graduate is moving out of his/her parents home, then why not gift home furnishings? After spending four years in a dorm or being surrounded by childish furniture at home, any graduate would love an upgrade in the furniture department. It’s a great way to help the graduate start on a life with a fresh beginning.
Economical Gifts
1. Books – Yes most graduates are tired of reading, learning, studying, etc. However, if your college graduate is an avid reader, then books can make a fun, personal gift. For example, you can give him or her a “gift set” with books from their favorite/most liked author. Or if he or she is religious, then why not gift a fancy bible with a nice, leather cover?
2. Greek Merchandise – The fraternity/sorority market is hot amongst students and your graduate will love getting some Greek merchandise as gift. Right from a greek hoodie to sorority flip flops sandals – you’ll find that there’s a huge variety to choose from and you won’t run out of options. Greek Gear is a good place to buy fraternity/sorority gifts.
3. Gift Certificates – Even though gift certificates don’t make for a personal gift, they’re much better than gifting money. You can purchase a gift certificate from your graduate’s favorite shop or even better get multiple certificates from multiple stores. Put the certificate or certificates in a simple envelope along with a nice, touching greeting card and you’re ready to go!
Once you find that perfect gift for your graduate, you’ll not only get a great response from him or her but you’ll be fully satisfied that you spend your money on the right gift.