Month: September 2011 (Page 1 of 9)

Booth Babes at Frankfurt Motor Show

Booth Babes at Frankfurt Motor Show

Bullz-Eye had the opportunity to visit the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show with Mazda to check out the unveiling of the new CX-5 Crossover SUV. We saw some impressive new vehicles and we’ll be bringing you more updates from the show, and we also got to enjoy some of the sights as well.

Here we’ve put together a fun slideshow of some of the beautiful women working the displays at the auto show. The blonde leading off the slideshow was promoting a new Alfa Romeo concept vehicle, and next you’ll see a beautiful brunette in a cute outfit from the Jeep Cherokee display. With the Italians now owning Chrysler we’re seeing many more booth babes helping to promote their brands, and the third shot has two more beautiful models from the Jeep area. The fourth shot featured the big-haired Italian beauties from the Lamborghini display, which we featured in a previous slideshow.

Check out the rest, as we have 38 photos in the gallery below!

And check out out Girls and Cars page for more!

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Drink of the Week: The Smokey Scotsman

the Smokey ScotsmanAnyone here remember the gag from “Risky Business” when a teenage, home alone Tom Cruise destroys his dad’s expensive Chivas Regal by polluting it with Coke? The idea of mixing a really good single malt Scotch with anything other than a smidgen of water no doubt strikes many today as nothing short of sacrilege. Indeed, classic cocktail heads will note that, like Irish whiskey, only a very select few cocktails call for Scotch. In cocktail land, the North American whiskeys tend to dominate.

Nevertheless, we are noting a contrary trend here at DOTW central. Manufacturers of single malts — presumably even more resistant to promiscuous mixing than a blend like Chivas — are letting their guard down and openly promulgating cocktail recipes via such highly praiseworthy PR strategies as sending me a free bottle of very good Scotch alongside an intriguing and surprisingly good recipe.

Lacking any added sweetness, the Smokey Scotsman is not a recipe for everyone, but what is? It certainly has its Calvinist charms to go with the very sturdy product that is the Macallan 10 Year-Old, which I’ve enjoyed imbibing in several different forms over the last couple of weeks. I had some issues understanding the recipe at first, but now that I do, I’m ready to declare this cocktail to be of the elect. (Yes, this is your comparative religions edition of DOTW.) It helps to really like Scotch and sage, though.

The Smokey Scotsman

2 ounces Scotch whisky (very preferably The Macallan 10 year-old single malt, of course)
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
3-5 sage leaves

Pour Scotch over sage leaves and muddle the leaves into the booze and lemon juice. Add ice, shake like crazy and pour — do not strain, unless you like your drinks as severe as the most hellfire and brimstone Scottish preacher — into an old fashioned glass, preferably chilled.


Since this is, as far as I can tell, a rather new beverage, I don’t know of many alternative versions. I did try this myself adding a teaspoon of sugar to the mix. The result was less forbidding but also less interesting

Friday Video – Living Colour, “Funny Vibe”

It’s humorous now to think about what a big deal it was that four black guys from New York City decided to start a rock band. No joke, shortly after the album’s release, we played the blistering track “Desperate People” from the band’s debut Vivid for a hard-rocking coworker, and we took great pleasure in waiting until he was hooked before giving up the twist: surprise, they’re black! Then we went over to his house for a party with his hard rocking friends, and he plays them the song, gets the same reaction we got from him, and then says, “They’re niggers!” Sigh. Hey, it was 1988. With any luck, he’s received some enlightenment since then, and hopefully not at the ass end of a pistol.

It’s with regret that we admit that about half of Vivid has not aged well, but the stuff that holds up really holds up, and “Funny Vibe,” the track that opened Side II, displayed the band’s ability to bring both the noise and the funk in equal amounts better than anything else. Even better is the hilarious-but-sad video assembled for the track, where the band pokes fun at the assumptions that all blacks are good at basketball or, worse, rapist thugs looking to cut a bitch. Who would have thought, though, that the shot of the guy dressed as Flavor Flav – who appears with Public Enemy cohort Chuck D in the break – would turn into a timeless joke? Never saw that coming.

Happy Friday, everyone. Rock on. But please, don’t be a racist like our ’80s coworker. That’s just no way to live.

AutoWeek launches

When I first heard that AutoWeek was launching I was a little confused. I’m not a huge car buff, but I know Auto Week, and I know Auto Week’s readers aren’t the type that would cruise a shopping guide before heading out to purchase a vehicle. Gearheads read Auto Week. Horsepower junkies. Industry enthusiasts. The people reading Auto Week are the people I would go to if I were in the market for a new car, which makes it pretty clear that the site isn’t for them.

The site is for people like me, and it spawned from exactly the kinds of conversations Auto Week editors were having with friends and family about buying a car. I spoke with Wes Raynal, an Auto Week editor who has been with the magazine’s parent company, Crain Communications, since 1989. Raynal said working for Auto Week made him a target at family gatherings and barbecues for one question: what car should I buy? As anyone who has purchased a car knows, that just isn’t an easy question to answer, particularly when the person asking the question expects expert advice.

In order to avoid hour-long answers to that very question, Raynal and the editorial staff decided to compile their collective knowledge online. “It’s the friend over the fence in the backyard dispensing car shopping advice as best we know how,” Raynal said. That’s right, Auto Week wants to be the Wilson to your Tim Taylor. They have the sage advice necessary for the job, too. Search for any car on and you’ll find the usual data – trim packages, features, price comparisons – but you’ll also get all of Auto Week’s editorial content for the vehicle.

That’s the big difference between and her competitors: the editorial content. Most car shopping sites tend to be data focused, delivering just trim packages, feature lists, and occasionally averaging reviews from around the web. Users take that data and present it to friends who know what they’re talking about to make an informed decision. Continue reading »

Improve your game with women in 31 days

One of the things we stress when it comes to dating is that everyone can benefit from some expert advice. It doesn’t matter whether you’re already good with women. You can always learn more, become more self-aware, and pick up some new strategies to improve your game. But most of us are not great with women and can definitely use help with parts of our game.

There are many advice sites, pickup artists and dating programs out there. Some are obviously better than others, but any program that makes you think about this more strategically and helps you get rid of bad habits or misconceptions is worth your time.

This new program – FREE: 31 Days to Better Game With Women – is definitely worth checking out. It includes a series of daily emails over the course of 31 days that gives guys daily lessons on how to meet and attract more women. The best part about this has to do with the daily lessons. You’ll do much better with a program if you focus on it every day for an extended period of time. It will force you to make this a priority and take it seriously. Plus, you can methodically build on success as you add new skills and kick bad habits.

You can work on important concepts like how to flirt with women and how to shed your “nice guy” persona. Learning how to approach women is not enough. The key is keeping them interested and this course will help you with that.

You’ll also learn strategies on how to use Facebook to meet women. Between social media and texting it’s become that much easier to connect with the opposite sex and you can have a field day if you learn the best ways to use these tools. That said, you can also screw things up as well. Learn what works and what doesn’t.

As with any program, you need to tailor the advice to your own situation. Listen and learn, make yourself open to new things, but always remember that it’s all about what you want and what you want to achieve.

So check out TSB Magazine and get started today.

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