Upgrade your Mother’s Day bouquet with Roseshire

Mother’s Day can be a tricky holiday for gift-giving, which is why so many guys fall back on the age-old tradition of sending flowers. But while most floral services are good enough for your mom and grandma (honestly, they’re just happy you even remembered), sometimes you want to go the extra mile for your wife or baby mama and give her something truly special, and the guys who created the rose delivery service Roseshire know exactly what she deserves.

For starters, Roseshire doesn’t mess around with any other flower varieties besides long-stemmed roses. This is what a majority of guys are going to send anyway, so it allows them to really focus on quality. Cultivated by sustainable growers in Southern California, each rose arrives within hours of being cut in the field and is assessed, manicured and affixed with individual water tubes to ensure superior health. Roseshire keeps the roses under ideal conditions, handles them tenderly and places them in packaging designed to absorb shocks and protect against humidity.

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