3 Life Tips for Men Looking to Escape the Stereotypical Bachelor Lifestyle

Let’s face it: we’ve all got to grow up sometime.

Whether for the sake of our personal relationships or careers, the “life’s a party” mentality must inevitably come to an end. Similarly, ditching the stereotypical bachelor lifestyle can open the doors to new opportunities and relationships, not to mention a new sense of personal happiness and fulfillment.

Yet leaving behind what you hold so dear can certainly be difficult. Admitting that you want to transform yourself is a good first step, though. Additionally, making that transformation a reality is going to require some changes.

While you don’t have to do everything at once to embrace a more structured, sophisticated lifestyle, the following tips serve as a solid starting point. Over time, these small changes can have a big impact on your happiness as you look to get more out of life.

Take Care of Your Home Decor

Removing the aura of a bachelor pad is an essential first step toward turning your life around. For starters, consider making the following changes to your home décor, such as…

Investing in high-quality bedroom furniture instead of those IKEA pieces you picked up secondhand a few years back.
• Taking down those college posters in lieu of some more sophisticated décor (think: art prints, rustic pieces).
• Decluttering and making your space seem less like a pig sty. Many traditional bachelors tend to horde items from their “glory days,” but stop and ask yourself what you want in your space versus what you really need.

In short, make your living space something you can be proud of and wouldn’t be ashamed to show to a guest or two.

Step Up Your Style

Revamping your style is actually pretty simple and affordable if you know what to focus on.

For example, shops such as H&M offer affordable, minimalist clothes which fit well and always stay in style. If you’ve been neglecting your personal grooming, go beyond the $10 haircut and speak with an actual stylist who can give you ideas for a more modern hair-do. If you’ve never cared for style, check out some male fashion Pinterest threads and subreddits (such as /r/MaleHairAdvice) for inspiration.

Most guys are simply diamonds in the rough. Wth a bit of polishing, you can make yourself look like a million bucks.

Lose That Lingering Weight

Perhaps the best way to look and feel better is by dropping some weight. While you don’t necessarily need a six-pack to stand out, something as simple as weekly jogs and bodyweight exercise can transform your appearance in a matter of months. Following these tips to put yourself on the right path without making yourself miserable:

Cut out sugary drinks and as much alcohol as possible. Focus on home-cooked meals versus fast food.
• Strive to do 30 minutes of exercise daily. Whether this is a bike ride in the evening or push-ups throughout the day, every little bit helps.
• Weigh yourself daily. Focus on weekly trends versus day-by-day numbers and track your progress to understand if you need to step up your intensity or diet.

Escaping the bachelor stereotype is more than possible when you start with these small changes. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut. Baby steps can take you far toward self-improvement as long as you’re consistent.