Top 4 DIY T-Shirt Designs


When it comes to designing your own T-shirt logos, unless you are artistically minded, it can be quite a challenge to come up with something that looks good but also retains some elements of originality. The idea behind this blog post is to provide you with some inspiration before you visit a site such as The Clothing People to upload and order your design.

Although these are the top 4 DIY designs, the idea is basically to provide you with a framework upon which to build. You can alter, tweak or add things to these designs to personalize them and create your own original design. This, in turn, will get you noticed and underline your social status as a fashion guru.

Slogans or Quotes

Slogans and quotes are an excellent way to both inspire people and attract attention to your T-shirt. Obviously, you don’t want to go for a really famous quote that everyone knows without even thinking about it, so try to come up with something that is profound but not necessarily well known. Then consider your font and colour choices, as you want to make the slogan easy to read and people won’t want to embarrass themselves squinting or trying to make out what you have written. The argument could be made that if this happens, your design choice has been an epic failure.

Emoji Inspired Designs

Depending on your age, emojis are currently experiencing popularity like never before. Perhaps you could come up with an extra large emoji, or design your own original one, that would get people to take notice and grab some attention. Once again, this is a relatively simple idea that is taking advantage of a current phenomenon. Admittedly, there is a risk that an emoji could go out of fashion as quickly as it arrived, but for the purposes of a T-shirt design, that is probably a risk worth taking.

Tattoo Inspired Designs

In a similar vein to emojis, tattoos have never been so popular. Perhaps you are passionate about ink and the different designs available as tattoos. But perhaps your job prevents you from having visible tattoos, or maybe you want to have a different tattoo design every day. Rather than following convention and having a permanent tattoo, why not come up with some original tattoo designs that you can change on a daily basis? If anything, you could use this idea as an experiment to see which of your designs generate the most interest and which ones you still enjoy after a few weeks. You even have the potential of selling a few of your ideas if people enjoy some of your designs.

Nostalgic Designs

People quickly forget certain things that were an iconic part of their childhood but then love to reminisce when their memory is jogged. In recent years, the Rubiks cube has been used to great effect in certain shirt designs. Think back to some of your happiest memories, toys or products that are no longer with us. In my case, the yellow Sony Sports Walkman, or even the cassette tape itself, is a huge memory of my childhood. Maybe you have others more specific to your generation.

Whatever you decide, just enjoy the process and don’t take things too seriously. If it works brilliantly, great, but if it doesn’t don’t worry, just keep on trying. At some point your creative juices will hit the jackpot.